Hey Ladies!! I’m so excited to share with you what I picked up from MAC’s latest collection. I’ve been waiting for this collection for so long. LOL maybe not that long, I even had to save money for this collection so I could get everything I wanted. I think this is the most MAC I have bought at one time from one collection. With that being said I’m really going to slow down on how much I buy from MAC and try different make-up brands.
From this collection I picked up four eye shadows, two eye kohls, three lipsticks, two lip pencils and a blush. I know so many items.
Firecracker eye shadow – It’s a frosted mid-tone red orange color. It has a veluxe pearl finish.
Humid eye shadow – It’s an intense green color with shimmer. It has a frost finish.
Shimmermoss eye shadow – It’s a green color with green pearl. It has a veluxe pearl finish.
Sweet & Punchy eye shadow – It’s a bright yellow-green color. It has a veluxe pearl finish.
Float on By eye kohl – It’s a dark green turquoise color.
Rosemary & Thyme – It’s a mid-tone olive color with gold shimmer.
Beach Bound lipstick – It’s a sheer frosted pale peach color. It has a glaze finish.
Fun Bathing lipstick – It’s a mid-tone bronzed plum color. It has a glaze finish.
Thrills lipstick – It’s a rosy copper color with gold pearl.
Life’s a Breeze lip pencil – It’s a light baby pink color.
Temperature Rising lip pencil – It’s a bright orange color.
Hipness powder blush – It’s an intense coral color with a soft while pearl. It has a frost finish.
Till next time!
- MizzShake <3
Disclaimer: All items mentioned in this blog were purchased by me for my own personal use.