Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Happy 2 Birthday To My Little Princess!

Hey ladies so today is my little princess’ 2nd birthday. Honestly I can’t believe it’s been 2 full years since I gave birth to my little trouble maker. Yes the terrible 2’s have already started. Pretty sure it started back when she was between 16 and 20 months. I’m not really planning on doing anything super special for her today because both of my folks are out of town for her birthday and that’s no fun for her. So I won’t be doing anything until next week, which is long weekend and I completely booked off just for her. I haven’t figured out what I want to do yet for her. But I want to take her on a mini shopping spree and maybe to the movies and even Chuck-e-Cheese. Not 100% sure yet though.

Do you guys have any suggestions on what to do?


  1. Parabens. Muitas felicidades, saúde, paz. Ela se parece muito com você.

  2. hey! do yall have a monkey joes in ur area? great place for kids!!

  3. Nope I don't. I wish I did though thanks for the idea though :)
