Monday, November 25, 2013

Weightloss | Week 1 & 2

Hey loves, this update is long over due. But I still wanted to tell you how everything is going. So my first week back at the gym I was able to loose a solid 2lbs; which is great. I only had a chance to go twice because of work. But when I did go I was able to put in a solid two hours of cardio. With me going back, I`m just starting with cardio until I get use to being back at the gym regularly. 

For my second week back at the gym I was only able to go once. I was a little disappointed because I wanted to stick with it. But the weather was horrible that week with snow storm warnings. Even though I wasn`t able to work out like I wanted to I was able to maintain the weight I loss and didn`t gain anything.

I`m super happy that I didn`t gain anything and with me being able to go back this week like I want to. I should be able to loose something this week as well. It doesn`t look like I will be adding yoga and Pilates to my routine yet. But I`m going to add some at home workouts and hopefully that will help me stay on track with my goals. Definitely will be back with another update very soon and tell you about my progress.

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